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Complaint Form

If you have any concerns or issues about the home care services you have received from our agency, or about how you or your property have been treated, you or your family member or your representative may submit a complaint. We want to hear about your concerns and problems so that we can provide you and other clients with the best possible service. 
Please know that if you or your family member/representative submit a complaint or express a concern about our home care services or staff, we will not take any action that negatively affects you. In other words, there will be no retaliation by our agency in response to a complaint. We will do our best to address your concern and resolve any problem you have identified. 

If you have a complaint about our home care services, you may also complain to the Office of Healthcare Licensing and Surveys:


Office of Healthcare Licensing and Survey

2300 Capitol Avenue, Suite 510

Cheyenne, WY 82002

Phone: 307-777-7123

Fax: 307-777-7127


If you have a complaint or have a question about your home care services, you may also get assistance from Wyoming Ombudsman for Long-Term Care at: 


Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care

2300 Capitol Avenue

Hathaway Building 4th Floor

Cheyenne, WY 82002

Phone: 307-777-2885

If you have a complaint or question about our home care services, you may also contact the Home Health Hotline:


Phone: 1-800-548-1367

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